Our Company
I started this company after hearing the sadness and shame in my patient’s voices.
Clearly this needed to be rectified, and I knew it could be, because DHEA is a safe hormone precursor that is metabolized in the skin.
because DHEA application alone can relieve ALL of the symptoms of vulvovaginal atrophy by itself, in some women.
SoI took some organic body cream and added DHEA powder, and some adventurous friends tried it.
Success confirmed, I called up some scientific researchers I knew, and we found we could get the DHEA molecule into
a liposome (an all-natural delivery mechanism mimicking molecules in the body) made to carry substances beyond the skin barrier.
We created our proprietary liposomes and found that the response was greatly increased.
Good Vulva’s Mission
Knowledge, truth, power, health, prevention, wellness, fun, joy.
There is no shame in being a woman in mid-life.
There is no shame in wanting to enjoy life to the fullest as a woman in mid-life.
There is absolutely NO REASON we cannot be healthy, full of desire,
and exploring life well into older age.
About Dr. Laura Kelly
I am a double board certified doctor of Oriental Medicine, licensed in California and nationally, committed to preventing and reversing disease safely
and naturally, and providing products and information for the benefit of everyone interested in long term good health.
In private practice for 15 years, I know that natural medicine works preventively to keep us healthy, and as treatment to get to the root causes of illness. I do this every day in my practice, and my work has benefited thousands of patients.
Good Vulva’s parent company, Opal Health, I founded to provide natural medicine testing and protocols that have been proven to reverse bone
density loss in osteoporosis, with superior results to standard of care. Find out more at: www.opalhealth.com
My Books
The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan and Cookbook, Chelsea Green 2016
The Healthy Bones Plant-based Nutrition Plan and Cookbook, Chelsea Green 2024
The Implementation of Personalized Precision Medicine, Elsevier Academic Press 2024
https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/implementation-of-personalized- precision-medicine-phd-stanford-md/1141685334
Our Partners
combining traditional medical practices and conventional medicine. This is a first-of-its-kind clinic for women’s wellness, with a model that we believe
should be replicated worldwide.
OrigenesSalud shares the traditional cultural belief of midwifery – that a midwife is not only for birth, but “delivers” the woman through all stages of life. What a beautiful concept.
Find out more here: