Change Your Experience
For many years the medical response to vulvovaginal issues from aging has been to tell women to “deal with it” as a natural part of aging. But the reality is that simple and safe solutions exist – and we are here to help you change your experience.
Why vulvovaginal wellness?
The tissue of the vulva and the vagina require the presence of our natural hormones to be healthy.
As we age we lose these hormones, leaving the vulvovaginal tissue thin, weak and dry, and we often lose our desire. Healthy vulvovaginal tissue eradicates pain, dryness, and even some leakage.
This creates not only comfort but confidence, and can bring back desire, and this is what our products are designed to do.
And the results are more than we expected as a stand alone sentence, centered. Women using our products report not only vulvovaginal wellness, but something deeper –
a return to the feeling of femininity.
A reconnection with the sense of self, and even a reconnection with partners and family.
Vulvovaginal wellness goes far beyond the vulva.
What is the Vulva, exactly?
The vulva is the external part of the female genitalia, with the vagina being the internal canal.
The vulva starts at the mons
pubis, the rounded area in front
of the pubic bones at the lower
part of the belly. It becomes
covered with hair at puberty.
The vulva has two folds of skin or "lips." The outer folds are called the labia majora, the inner folds the labia minora.
The urethra carries urine out of the body
The inner folds of the vulva form a hood of skin called the prepuce around the external part of the clitoris, the clitoral glans. In fact the clitoral tissue runs the length of the vulva, the crus of clitoris tissue runs next to the vestibular tissue, which is the bulb of vestibule. Neither of these anatomical realities are widely known!
The Vestibular tissue makes up a large part of the vulvar tissue, and in fact this is the reason V Beauty products work – because the vestibular tissue is in fact bladder tissue, and it requires testosterone to be healthy.
Why does V Beauty Nectar work so well to improve vulvovaginal wellness?
There are two scientific reasons these products work.
First,the main active ingredient, DHEA, is a natural hormone precursor. This is made in our reproductive system as well as in our adrenal glands, but reproductive production decreases with age.
In the body, DHEA can turn into estrogen (yes, men have it too) or testosterone. But when applied to the skin, DHEA turns primarily into testosterone.
Secondly,testosterone is essential for the integrity of vaginal tissue structure and for the complex neurovascular processes that regulate arousal and lubrication. A mechanism called aromatization allows testosterone to be turned into estrogen. It has been shown that testosterone functions for vulvovaginal wellness independently of the aromatization process.
What makes these products different from others?
Technology meets Nature
We use advanced completely natural technology to radically improve the
effectiveness of our products.
V Beauty Nectar and V Beauty Lover use two different liposomes,
both proprietary and both 100% natural.
Our special liposomes allow the DHEA particles to be delivered more
successfully and more deeply into the skin layers, allowing
for a full vulvovaginal response.
We also use no synthetic preservatives ever, so you can feel
completely in harmony using whatever we make for you.
The Science of DHEA
Our DHEA is sourced from plants. In a healthy human body DHEA is made in our adrenal glands (and by the liver) as a
precursor to our sex hormones. As we age or as we accumulate stress, our production of DHEA lessens.
Luckily, we can supplement safely with plant-sourced DHEA. There are many benefits to supplementing with DHEA as
we age – but for us we have found a perfect solution for safely increasing vaginal wellness as we age.
DHEA is an over-the-counter product in the US and is conventionally taken orally. However, oral DHEA provides
little-to-no support for the vulvar tissue and does not address vulvar or sexual wellness in the midlife woman.
Topically, however, when applied to the skin including the vulva, DHEA turns primarily into testosterone.
And with testosterone comes our desire, as well as healthy vestibular/vulvar tissue.
In addition, the risk for some women attached to estrogen products is minimized, with initial studies of topical vaginal DHEA
showing safety even in women at risk
It has also been shown that plant-sourced products activate tumor suppression.
Benefits of DHEA
Proper systemic DHEA levels as we age are correlated with not only sexual desire and satisfaction resulting from healthy
vulvar/vaginal tissue, but also with increased cognitive wellness and decreased chronic illness.
DHEA is a required in the brain and is used in memory and learning, in protection of neurons, and shows an overall reduction
in age-related brain pathology. Ismail H. Zwain, Samuel S. C. Yen, Dehydroepiandrosterone:
Biosynthesis and Metabolism in the Brain, Endocrinology, Volume 140, Issue 2, 1 February 1999,
Pages 880–887,
In addition, healthy DHEA levels are associated with lower all-cause mortality.
How Does Daily Nectar work for Recurring UTIs?
New research is showing that many experiences of UTI as we age are misdiagnosed. In fact, the experience is caused by a lack of testosterone rather than a bacterial infection.
The presence of DHEA in the vulvovaginal tissue works in two ways. First, it can mprove the pH that is thrown off by lack of hormone in the vagina. As we lose hormone in the vulvovaginal tissue the pH of the vagina changes, allowing the wrong bacterial species to thrive. Adding DHEA into the mix can help lower the pH into a more healthy range.
Secondly, bringing the vulvovaginal tissue to life can help with pain and even itching. We have seen many users report “improved UTI” with use, which correlates with the emerging research.
See for more information.
Good Vulva Testing
In our testing we have found that with normal application of Daily Nectar, DHEA levels can rise into a healthy post-menopausal range – but we have seen NO rise in estrogen. This correlates with published study data.
Currently we are setting up a larger trial to explore the deeper effects on longevity and wellness from using our products. Stay tuned to our blog for updates.
Recommendations on DHEA from the National Institute of Health
Research suggests that taking between 20 to 50 milligrams of DHEA supplements daily should be sufficient and safe for most adults over the age of 30. Individual needs will vary, lowest effective dose is best.
In some cases, DHEA is administered in high doses up to 200 to 500 milligrams daily to help treat certain disorders such as depression or lupus, but this should only be done under medical supervision. Do not exceed the recommended dose.
For improving bone healing and bone mineral density, 50 to 100 milligrams per day is recommended.
For erectile dysfunction, menopausal symptoms and vaginal dryness, 25 to 50 milligrams per day.
Cleveland Clinic
Women who have no history of estrogen-dependent cancers should be routinely offered treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) with vaginal estrogen or DHEA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Scientists
50mg DHEA daily for 52 weeks in postmenopausal women is not associated with any significant toxic or adverse effects and is generally seen as a therapeutically effective dose to avoid side-effects over the long-term.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is DHEA and why do I want it? What does DHEA have to do with menopause?
DHEA is a hormone precursor that has the ability to turn into all the major sex hormones. When applied to the skin it turns primarily into testosterone. In women, as in men, testosterone is the primary source of our sexual desire.
DHEA levels drop as we age, along with all the sex hormones. This happens earlier in women (~50 yo) than in men (~70 yo). As DHEA is a precursor to estrogen and progesterone it is part of the loss of hormones that happens during menopause. DHEA has been clinically shown to improve well-being and sexuality in women with insufficiency
Low DHEA levels have been linked to many issues – loss of libido, cognitive impairment, osteoporosis, heart disease, and breast cancer
How do I use Daily Nectar and LOVER? What is the dose?
With Daily Nectar we recommend starting 2 pumps 2x/day for the first 2 weeks to build up the DHEA in your vaginal area. (If you are sensitive to supplements or medication then start 1 pump 2x/day.)
Keep in mind that every body is different, and we have found a wide range of doses that work – meaning, your perfect dose may very well be different than someone else’s.
After 2 weeks please lower to your maintenance dose, we have found this to average 1 pump 2x/day, but your level can be anywhere from 1 pump 2 days a week – 2 pumps 6 days a week. Always use the lowest dose possible.
Please make sure to take a break for 1-2 days a week, and do not exceed the recommended dosage.
Also, we do recommend spot testing on your arm before use. Very rarely someone has an allergy to one of the ingredients, so testing is suggested.
For LOVER apply 1-2 pumps to the entire vulval/clitoral area, 15-30 minutes before sex.
Use up to 3 times a week or as needed.
It is not necessary to apply LOVER internally. Application to the vulva, or outer lips of the vagina, is sufficient. If you are interested in enhancing desire, apply liberally to the whole length of the vulva, including around the tip of the clitoris. The clitoral tissue runs the length of the vulva, and all this tissue responds to stimulation.
Where do I apply Daily Nectar and LOVER? And is it safe for my partner?
Apply it to your entire vulvar area – from the clitoris, along the labia, to the anus – using clean fingers. You do not need to apply Daily Nectar or LOVER internally/into the vaginal canal.
Daily Nectar can be applied any time of day, even just before intimacy. We have found in fact that many male partners experience benefit too!
We have seen that some women experience increased sensation and response if applied just before intimacy.
Daily Nectar will absorb within approximately 15 minutes and is safe to use with lube or other sexual aids including toys. Apply Boost 15-30 minute prior to intimacy.
Why topically when it is sold in pills at the health food store?
I am taking oral DHEA as my doctor recommended. Can I still use Daily Nectar and LOVER?
Yes you can still use Daily Nectar and LOVER, your systemic levels of DHEA will likely not be affected at the suggested dose or lower. However we always suggest speaking with your doctor.
I am using HRT of estrogen and progesterone, can I still use Daily Nectar and LOVER?
If you are using estrogen or estrogen and progesterone HRT you can still use Daily Nectar and LOVER.
If you are using testosterone HRT you may see a rise in your testosterone levels so please speak with your doctor.
What can I expect from Daily Nectar amd LOVER?
Because everyone is different there are varying times before feeling the effects. Some women respond in the first day or two, and some can take up to 30 days.
Also, we see varying effects – varying benefits – but everyone benefits!
Once you begin to feel the effects, you will likely notice an increase in vaginal wetness, increase in desire for sex (increased libido), you may notice improvement in urinary leakage (if this is an issue for you), and you may notice an intensification of your orgasms.
If at any time you feel you are having a bad reaction stop using immediately and contact us.
What about safety? Is there anyone who should not use Daily Nectar or LOVER? Has DHEA been tested on humans?
- It is not recommended to use DHEA if under 40 years old unless prescribed by your doctor.
- If you are pregnant or breastfeeding consult your doctor before using Daily Nectar or LOVER
- If you are taking the prescription Tamoxifen, do not use Daily Nectar without your doctor’s approval. (see below section on research and cancer)
- If you have a vaginal infection or lichen sclerosis consult with your doctor before using Daily Nectar or LOVER
- If you have had or are being treated for breast cancer, consult with your doctor before using this product. (see more below)
Keep out of reach of children. - Discontinue use if you experience discomfort or irritation.
- DHEA is a natural product of the human body and has been tested extensively in humans. As with all hormone-related products proper use, knowledge of your own health, and natural preventive care is suggested. (See more below)
There are some other creams on the market. How is Daily Nectar and LOVER different?
Daily Nectar and LOVER not only contain DHEA powder but they are also formulated with lipid particles called liposomes. These lipids are food grade (you can eat them) and these lipids are a natural part of the human diet. They are also good for your skin. Our lipo-DHEA allows the DHEA molecule to penetrate deeper into the skin for more powerful results.
Daily Nectar is patent pending and the only DHEA supplement on the market with lipospheric technology.
Tell me about the company. Do you care about the environment?
Oco is a company founded on core principles of sustainability and health care for the human and for the planet.
Our packaging is recyclable, our product all natural without synthetic preservatives. Our goals are to operate carbon neutral and only create health and wellness for everyone involved from the source ingredients all the way to the employees of Good Vulva.
Currently we are preparing to work with health workers in rural Colombia and assist with a women’s care clinic outside of Bogota.
What is “natural preventive care”?
Each of us has different genetics and lifestyle, which both influence the health of your body, and the health of your body’s use of hormones.
There are some basic rules for health management for everyone, even those in pre- or peri-menopause, as hormone levels can become imbalanced due to environmental or even stress factors, and keeping healthy as we age is vital.
The body has a pathway that can transform testosterone to estrogen. This pathway can be more or less active depending on dietary intake, detoxification health and genetics. You often see body builders use a natural supplement called DIM, or sometimes sulphurophane. These supplements are extracts from cruciferous vegetables, and the natural chemical diindolylmethane – DIM for short – helps prevent this pathway from turning testosterone into estrogen. So, for those of us who benefit from keeping estrogen levels low DIM may be beneficial for health.
In addition, plant estrogens – phytoestrogens – from whole foods such as soy, hops, red clover, etc. are beneficial at every age. We now know that these phytoestrogens in fact decrease reproductive cancer risk. They do this by activating the beta estrogen receptor preferentially, thereby providing tumor suppressive action.
Lastly, understanding how your individual body detoxifies estrogen is a smart step in prevention. For more information on this see
I’m still cycling, can I use LOVER and Daily Nectar? Alternatively, will it re-start my cycles after menopause?
Generally LOVER or Daily Nectar used at the recommended dose should not affect your cycles. If this occurs lower your dose and take a break from using Daily Nectar, re-starting after a week at a lower dose.
We have seen no re-starting of menstrual cycles from using Daily Nectar or LOVER as directed.
I’m well past menopause – can I use Daily Nectar and LOVER?
Yes. Daily Nectar and LOVER are designed to work locally for vaginal atrophy and the associated issues that arise in these sensitive tissues. As DHEA primarily produces testosterone in a healthy body, and when applied in smaller amounts to the skin only provides local affect, significant systemic changes to hormone levels are unlikely.
DHEA has been shown to stimulate the vaginal tissue without stimulating the growth of endometrial tissue, and the same study found an increase in bone mineral density, both safe and positive outcomes
Can I use LOVER or Daily Nectar if I have had breast or other reproductive/gynecological cancer?
- A large and well-done study supported by the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Health (NIH) looked at women who were currently diagnosed with breast or gynecologic cancer, and on Tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors. They found that topically applied vaginal DHEA for women undergoing active reproductive cancer treatment improved symptoms and they conclude that this form of DHEA application may be helpful for this population.
- DHEA may provide a protective role against cancer:
A paper published in Cancer Biology & Therapy states “DHEA, an adrenal hormone, has a protective role against cancer.” The authors go on to state, “DHEA inhibits the proliferation and migration of cell lines derived from breast cancer.”
- DHEA was determined to be “useful in the treatment of breast cancer” in yet another study published in Eur J Pharmacol. In this study, researchers concluded that “DHEA also suppressed the migration of all breast cancer cell lines…These results suggest that the mechanism of DHEA actions against breast cancer involves the inhibition of cell proliferation and the suppression of migration, indicating that DHEA could be useful in the treatment of breast cancer.”
More to Learn
More from our advisor Dr. Maria Uloko MD, Urologist and sexual medicine physician
Dr. Uloko has created Vulvai, an AI platform to assist women with diagnosing vulvar and vaginal issues.
Join the waitlist!
Online courses for sexual and relationship wellness from Dr. Sadaf Lodhi, MD, our Global Women’s Health advisor